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Attendance Policy

Attendance is very important in your child's learning.  In first grade, we participate in a lot of "hands on" learning, which all students need to be in attendance for. If at all possible, please make sure that your child is at school every day. If your child must miss school because of illness, please send a note and/or doctor's excuse when your child returns. You are also encouraged to email or call to let me know that your child will not be present. I often contact parents on my conference to check on absences. If your child leaves campus after 9:00 AM, they will not be counted absent. However, I encourage you to refrain from checking your child out early unless it is absolutely necessary.

If your child arrives in the classroom after 7:15 they are counted tardy. After 7:30 they must be signed in at the front office by a parent or guardian.

I really appreciate your help in ensuring that your child does not miss instruction due to absences. Daily attendance at school helps your child with their learning experience, as well as helps them learn responsibility. Thank you so much for your cooperation with attendance.


 Attendance Rewards

  •  “Just Because You’re Here” rewards will be given out randomly in class during the year. These can include things like stickers, treats, erasers, etc. The goal is to encourage a small celebration to highlight your child attending school. Also, you never know when our Attendance Fairy, Mrs. West, will stop in with a reward because it is “Cool to be in School!”



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Contact Christy Landers

School Phone:
409 745-1615