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Mauriceville Elementary Health Services


Maddie Meyers, RN

Direct Phone Number: (409) 670-4613

Campus Phone Number: (409) 745-1615 Ext. 6120

Fax Number: (409) 670-4641

Jenny Richard, LVN

Phone Number: (409) 745-1615 Ext. 6211


  • Prescribed Medication: If your student needs to receive any prescription medication while at school, the Prescribed Medication Form needs to be filled out and signed by a parent and physician. The medication will be kept locked up in the nurse’s clinic. No medication can be kept on the student while at school.


  • Over the Counter Medication: If you need to send an over the counter medication for your child to take at school as needed, you can send an unopened bottle of the medicine along with the Over the Counter Medication Form. The medication will be kept locked up in the nurse’s clinic. We cannot administer more than the recommended dosage without a physician’s order.


  • Asthma Action Plan: If your student has been diagnosed with asthma, the Asthma Action Plan must be filled out and signed by a parent and physician yearly. We must have this on file so we know how to treat your child incase he/she as an asthma attack at school. If your child has an inhaler, we need the inhaler information filled out on the action plan as well. Inhalers will be kept locked up in the nurse’s clinic. 


  • Allergy Action Plan: If your child has a food allergy or severe allergy to any type of insect sting, we need the Allergy Packet filled out and signed by a parent and physician. If your child requires an EpiPen, we need a medication form filled out for it as well (included in packet). If Benadryl is needed please fill out the over the counter form (included in packet).  The EpiPen and/or Benadryl will be kept locked up in the nurse’s clinic. 


  • Seizure Action PlanIf your child has been diagnosed with a seizure disorder, the Seizure Action Plan must be filled out and signed by a parent and physician yearly. We must have this on file so we know how to treat your child if he/she has a seizure at school. If your child requires emergency medication the medication form (included in packet) will also need to be filled out. The medication will be kept locked in the nurse’s clinic. 





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