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Click here for picture order form. 


Note From the Counselor

If you would like to nominate your child to be evaluated for the 2025-2026 PLUS class, please let their homeroom teacher know by April 9th. Data will be gathered between April-May for the PLUS matrix. The matrix helps determine who will be placed in the class next year. Any child who was in PLUS class for the 2024-2025 school year will be evaluated for the 2025-2026 PLUS class. You will be notified in writing at the end of the current school year if your child will be placed in the PLUS class for next school year. Click link below to nominate your child.

PLUS Class Nomination Link



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Need to get in touch with your child’s teacher? Click here to find your child’s teacher’s email address. 






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To translate any MVE website page, just click on the Google Translate drop down box that is at the bottom, right, corner of each page.  Also, a Spanish version of campus documents can be found by clicking the “File” tab at the top of the home page.

Para traducir cualquier página del sitio web de MVE, simplemente haga clic en el cuadro desplegable Traductor de Google que se encuentra en la esquina inferior derecha de cada página. Además, puede encontrar una versión en español de los documentos del campus haciendo clic en la pestaña "Gabinete de archivos" en la parte superior de la página de inicio. 


Supporting English Language Learners

Click the link below to learn how parents and support their students.

Click here for the T3 Engagement Series



If you would like to OPT your student Out of LCM Health Services either the Nonprescription Medications or the Epinephrine Auto-Injectors (EpiPens), please contact the campus office.


“We believe all children at Mauriceville Elementary will be successful.  It is our Mission to foster a safe, positive and caring environment which promotes the social growth of all and encourages a lifelong love for learning.”